Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Manipulated Images

 “Photoshopping” has become one become popular in our culture whether it is for one’s own personal pleasure or in a mass medium (such as a magazine).  In the image to the right we seen many things happening, many which appear to be outrageous and bizarre. In the photo is a UFO flying by a blimp over an old ship from Canada and a woman fifty feet-tall, all being watched by a dolphin. This image has indeed been “photoshopped.”

In the image, all the objects were pasted to fit the image. Between the boat and the blimp there is a distinguishable difference between a light and dark sky, and using the lasso tool the bottom of the boat was used to make it appear that the boat is on the water and adds a bit of realism. The woman in the middle of the picture was also pasted in the lasso tool was used to remove her legs and appear that she was standing in the difference. However, the dolphin, the UFO and blimp were simply pasted into the image. 

In the next image we see that a man holding a rifle has stopped a man and told him to put his hands up and freeze. When analyzing how the image was originally, the man with the rifle appears to have been hunting by how his he aims towards the sky. The nude man’s torso was added to the photo. The picture of the man was also cloned so that his rifle is not overlapped by the nude man’s hand. Then the lasso tool is used to get rid of parts not needed in the image. Along with the nude man’s torso, legs were also added below the waist so that it looks more realistic.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Type and Contrast

This layout is very busy. It contains an all black background with neon colored stars, music symbols and lightning bolts. Not only is the background the problem but the typeface is also a problem. The type face is the same color as the lightning bolts and stars and is difficult to read. The only thing that stands out on this page is the music player. Sadly, it does not suit the page because it seems to be misplaced, and could’ve been a different color.  

This layout is well constructed and organized. Unlike the other layout, the background of this layout contains just one color (blue) and varies in the tint. The different tint forms the rays of the sun in the background. The text is also contained inside its own box so that the background does not interfere with the type, making it legible.