A gun is the extension of a man's hand. Gunpowder, introduced by the Chinese, brought about tremendous change leading to the development of the weapon. The gun was first created for military purposes. However, this has changed and guns are now used as protection. For example, frequent use of gun violence is frequently broadcasted on the news. Thanks to people's inability to defend themselves the old-fashioned way, many people's lives are lost unnecessarily.

The printing press is an extension of man's brain. I say this because of the opportunity the printing press changed media and advertising forever. It not only made it simple to produce copies of books, but it gave more people to become literate because the printing press made books affordable. It also lead to the start of faster production of newspaper and later magazines. As the printing press developed, so did images inside books. Images were no longer drawn and painting, but printed as well. The development of this invention was historical. It shows how an idea can translate into well used machinery that leads to a starting point for more to come.